Squirrel Removal and Management

Squirrels can certainly cause problems for homeowners.  In Michigan, we have four different species of squirrels:  red squirrels, grey squirrels  (also known as black), flying squirrels and fox squirrels.  We can help with any type of squirrel removal needs.


Common Traits Among Squirrels

All squirrels are mostly solitary until breeding season. All types of squirrels tend to get into the homes because they are seeking to get out of the weather or looking for a place they can store their food. They typically enter homes around doors, roof lines, or by the foundation. Occasionally it can be by accident where they fall in through a chimney.  Make sure you check your house for entry points such as roof gaps, unevenly cut siding, can vents on the roof and gable vents.

Attics are a common place to find them due to the insulation and warmth (heat rises), but it is not uncommon to find them inside of walls, drop ceilings or in unfinished basements.  Except for situations when squirrels are actually stuck, the squirrel will come and go as it pleases.

Once inside the home squirrels can be very destructive. They can move insulation around, chew wires, gnaw wood, chew drywall, chew through drop ceiling tiles, and bring in debris (like leaves, seeds, and nuts) from outside.  As you can imagine, chewing the WRONG wire can cause a serious problem and even fire.

Despite these similarities, the behavior of each species does differ (as well as the type of damage they can do to the home). A little background information on the various species is helpful.

Except for situations when squirrels are actually stuck, the squirrel will come and go as it pleases; in many cases, homeowners will actually see the squirrel coming and going out of roof gaps by the ridgeline. Most squirrels initially get in by means of shrubbery or trees that grow near the house, enabling them to prod about the exterior of the home in search of entry points. Common entry points are roof gaps, places where siding is pulled back or not cut properly, can vents on the rooftop, and gable vents.



Squirrel Removal and Management

Signs of Squirrels in Your House

Aside from physically seeing the squirrel coming in or out of your home, the best indicator of a squirrel problem is lots of movement, scurrying around, scratching, and even the sound of objects (nuts) rolling. Since raccoons, mice and bats can also be a problem in your attic, typically a squirrel is active during the day, more so than raccoons and bats.


Michigan Squirrel Removal

We are experienced at identifying entry points, evicting squirrels and taking preventative measures to keep them from reentering your structure.  After locating where the squirrels are coming in and out, We can do an entry point exclusion which is usually one-way traps, which are a humane and effective method for getting rid of squirrels.

BatPro® would be happy to help you with your squirrel removal and management, in the areas of Central and  West Michigan. Call us today at 888-722-8776 or use our contact form. One of our squirrel removal representatives will get back to you shortly.

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