Bird Problems can be found everywhere in Michigan. Are pigeons, starlings, sparrows, woodpeckers, or other birds causing a problem around your home or business? You might think the situation is hopeless, but it is possible to control pest birds, including sparrows, starlings, woodpeckers, and pigeons in a humane manner.



Bird Challenges and Solutions

There are many solutions, and many challenges, to controlling a bird nuisance problem. Bird control can involve visual and sound deterrents, physical barriers such as netting or even trapping and removal. Rarely will a single approach completely eliminate your bird problem.

Depending on the species, this may include bird netting and barely or not noticeable modifications to certain areas of your home that the birds frequent, normally the roof. These modifications do not harm the birds in any way, nor do they take away from the curb appeal of your home or business.



Bird Removal

Removal of starlings from vents and damage causing woodpeckers are requested more frequently than any other bird pest control. Your home can become a target as woodpeckers drum and drill on your siding.



Bird Problems

Health Hazards

Pigeons will roost on homes and businesses creating health hazards and costly cleaning bills with their droppings that contain many different types of diseases that are able to be transmitted to humans.

In addition to the disease risk involved in having large numbers of pigeons and other bird pests around your home, bird droppings that come in contact with your home or car’s painted surface and allowed to dry will warp the paint slightly. In cases where this happens frequently and in large amounts, it may become very noticeable.

Having birds in your home, usually, the attic contaminates the attic with bird droppings, bird mites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. One type of fungi that is unique to bird and bat droppings is the fungus that causes histoplasmosis, a serious disease that humans can contract after being exposed to the spores.




Do You Have a Bird Problem?

If you have a bird problem, contact BatPro using our contact form or give us a call at 616-894-0699.  A trained, experienced professional can identify the problem and develop and implement a legal, effective solution.

Counties We Serve in West/Central Michigan
Clinton, Gratiot, Ionia, Isabella, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo,  Ottowa

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